LooseCollector Updates

*** You can still get Monster Hyde at SRP here... https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/.../VariationDetails/199002 Good day Crypt-mates! 1) We will be moving our target release date from November 2022 to December 2022 to give time for more improvements on Monster HYDE. We are putting as much value, in terms of quality and amount of plastic, as we can to this very first figure! 2) There will be NO Accessory pack for Monster Hyde... because we will be including his signature hat AND battered coat absolutely FREE!!! Thank you very much for your continuous support and for allowing us to bring to you these...
TRESE Action Figure

Click to view high-quality pics...

EVIL MINIONS : The Tiyanaks and Lamang-Lupa. On sale soon!
TAARNA 6" Action Figure Photos

TAARNA Action Figure. * Actual item from packaging * Shading details from head to feet * Cartoon-accurate green eyes and purple eyeshadow Hi resolution pics... HERE
6" CRITTER Action figure : Pre-Order!

Checkout our new 6" CRITTER Action figure ---> VIDEO Order here ---> ORDER CRITTER CLASSIC COSTUME MODERN COSTUME